Design requirements
- Material: barks and wood chips, max 50×50×50mm, without wood dust.
- Capacity: 3t/h, 50% moisture dried to 15%. If moisture more than 50%, the final products cannot reach 15% after drying.
- Heat resource: flue gas from boiler, 34000m3/h at 220ºC.
Energy calculation
- Heat energy of flue gas at 170ºC: 1,419,000kcal/h.
- Heat energy for evaporation of water 1050kg: 735,000kcal/h.
- Heat energy absorbed by material: 17,640kcal/h.
- Energy of material moisture: 27,300kcal/h.
- Waste gas temperature: 80ºC.
- Efficiency of energy using: 60%.
- Heat loss: 10%.
- Required heat energy for drying: 1,440,000kcal/h.
- Density of material dried: 250kg/m3.
Processing of belt dryer
- Flue gas goes into dryer from the bottom, where there is gas distributing plate to supply flue gas evenly to the drying box.
- Material is fed from the left top. The feeding belt and the first layer of belt is combined and driven by motor.
- Three layers of belt netting, with diamond holes of 6mm max.
- Flue gas is controlled by I.D. fan at the top of dryer, with velocity of 0.286m/s.
- The pressure inside dryer is slight low-pressure, which prevents hot air leaking.
- Flue gas discharged from the top exhaust cover, dried material discharged from the bottom.
- Waste gas pass through the I.D. fan and goes into the flue gas system and dust removing system of boiler.
- There are inspection doors on both sides of the dryer for inspection and cleaning of belt.