The post-Trump era has been a time of extraordinary political ferment on the right. Stephanie Slade, senior editor of Reason magazine, has had a front-line view of these new political developments. She is both a libertarian and a Catholic, and has written extensively for both libertarian publi
Dayton resident Bob Scholes, left, addresses concerns he has about the South Dayton Valley Area drainage master plan at Wednesday’s Lyon County Commission meeting in Dayton. Photo by Jessica Garcia.
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GKD will showcase its process belt solutions for sewage sludge dewatering and drying, as well as new fine and superfine mesh for water filtration, at IFAT 2018 in Munich on 14-18 May. The company will also present its spiral belt solutions for sludge dewatering applications.
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ATLANTA — May 17, 2018 — Tegra, an apparel manufacturing and supply chain provider, announced today the acquisition of Fjord LLC, a leading manufacturer of on-field uniforms and gear for elite athletes. Based in the Woodburn/Hubbard area of Oregon, Fjord produces performance-driven appa
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On the other side, Shuna, the undead archmage of the
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Hardcore mega-gathering Outbreak Fest celebrated its 10-year anniversary this weekend. We were there for every sweat-drenched spin-kick and free-flying stage-dive across a bonkers three days…
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